Connecting the Dots of the Obama Story (English Edition)
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Connecting the Dots of the Obama Story (English Edition)

Connecting the Dots of the Obama Story (English Edition)

3,09 €

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Rezension (6)

12 Dezember 2014

A Must Read!

If anyone has had any doubts about the Obama administration, this is a real wake up to the demise of the United States!!

9 August 2014

Three Stars

I enjoyed it.

22 März 2014

I knew he wasn't American but didn't know he was communist

This is a total eye opener to Obama.

7 Februar 2014

A good book

I enjoyed the book.

6 Dezember 2012

Good Read

You need to know your facts when reading this or you can easily get confused with what actually is real and what is assumed..

3 September 2012

Could very well be true

A quick and entertaining read.

Rezension Connecting the Dots of the Obama Story (English Edition)

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